Tuesday, May 7, 2024

House 2022 midterm elections results Republicans win majority to control House, CBS News projects

how many democrats in house

Spanberger, a former CIA officer, won her seat in 2018 and became the first Democrat in 36 years to represent the district in Congress. This year, the race is one of the most expensive in the country, with spending from both candidates and outside groups totaling almost $35 million. According to the Cook Political Report, Maloney is the first sitting House campaign committee chair to lose a general election in 42 years. He was a White House staff secretary for President Bill Clinton and was elected in 2012 as New York's first openly gay congressman. Four incumbents resigned in 2020, all of them Republicans, with no special elections to fill the vacant seats before the November election. The lower chamber, the House of Representatives, has 435 voting seats, each representing a district of roughly similar size.

Congressional delegations by state

This trend started to gradually change in the 1930s, with Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs that gave economic relief to all minorities including African Americans and Hispanics. Support for the civil rights movement in the 1960s by Democratic presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson helped give the Democrats even larger support among the Black community, although their position also alienated the Southern white population. Democrat Hillary Scholten, an Obama-era Justice Department official, has defeated Republican John Gibbs, a former Trump administration official, in Michigan's 3rd congressional district, CBS News projects. This is a pickup for Democrats, as Gibbs beat Republican incumbent Rep. Peter Meijer in the primary. Scholten, who lost against Meijer in 2020, made abortion rights a major focus of the race. She went after Gibbs, who has said he is "100% pro-life in all cases," for past statements arguing against women's suffrage and their presence in the workplace as well.

U.S. House districts represented by a Democrat in 2022 and won by Donald Trump in 2020

[T]he constitutional prerogative of the House has been held to apply to all the general appropriations bills, and the Senate's right to amend these has been allowed the widest possible scope. Power is nowhere concentrated; it is rather deliberately and of set policy scattered amongst many small chiefs. It is divided up, as it were, into forty-seven seigniories, in each of which a Standing Committee is the court-baron and its chairman lord-proprietor. These petty barons, some of them not a little powerful, but none of them within the reach of the full powers of rule, may at will exercise almost despotic sway within their own shires, and may sometimes threaten to convulse even the realm itself. The largest committee of the House is the Committee of the Whole, which, as its name suggests, consists of all members of the House. The Committee meets in the House chamber; it may consider and amend bills, but may not grant them final passage.

How Different Factions Voted

The term of the replacement member expires on the date that the original member's would have expired. States entitled to more than one representative are divided into single-member districts. This has been a federal statutory requirement since 1967 pursuant to the act titled An Act For the relief of Doctor Ricardo Vallejo Samala and to provide for congressional redistricting.[18] Before that law, general ticket representation was used by some states. Taken together, the foreign aid measures closely resemble the $95 billion national security package pushed by President Joe Biden.

Thirty-nine Democrats had voted “no” on Friday on the rule to allow the foreign aid package to come to the House floor, a target that progressives just missed on Saturday on the Israel bill. Fourteen of those Democrats voted on Saturday in favor of aid to Israel, while 12 Democrats who voted to allow the package on the floor on Friday then cast votes against the funding itself. The projections indicate Mr. Biden will face a divided Congress in the second half of his first term in office, with Democrats having secured the Senate. The dynamic will complicate efforts by the president to make progress on more divisive areas of his policy agenda, such as enshrining the right to an abortion into federal law and voting rights legislation. A GOP-controlled House is also poised to launch investigations, with targets including Hunter Biden, the president's son, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Some Republicans have threatened to impeach Mayorkas over his handling of the southern border.

how many democrats in house

Majority of House Democrats, Led By Jewish Members, Unified Behind President Biden's Leadership in the Middle East - Jerry Nadler

Majority of House Democrats, Led By Jewish Members, Unified Behind President Biden's Leadership in the Middle East.

Posted: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A Columbia University student said he flew a large Israeli flag above pro-Palestinian protests on campus Monday to show that Jewish students will not be intimidated by those marching on campus today. "I've said from the beginning I'm going to be responsible with this," Greene said. "I'm handling this the right way. I'm allowing the process to happen." On Friday, a third Republican member signed onto the effort to remove Johnson as speaker. "It comes at a moment of grave urgency, with Israel facing unprecedented attacks from Iran, and Ukraine under continued bombardment from Russia," Biden said. The president urged the Senate to quickly send it to his desk for signature.

This latter committee, created in the 110th Congress and reauthorized for the 111th, has no jurisdiction over legislation and must be chartered anew at the start of every Congress. The House also appoints members to serve on joint committees, which include members of the Senate and House. Some joint committees oversee independent government bodies; for instance, the Joint Committee on the Library oversees the Library of Congress. Other joint committees serve to make advisory reports; for example, there exists a Joint Committee on Taxation.

Comparison to the Senate

Republicans took back the House by a slim majority in the 2022 midterm elections. The last time Republicans had control of the House was in the 115th Congress. House seats were open, meaning the incumbent was not running for re-election. Thirty-six of those seats were open because the incumbent did not run for re-election, eight were open because the incumbent was defeated in a primary or party convention, and five were open due to a vacancy. House were held on November 3, 2020, and coincide with the 2020 presidential election.

House officers

Here is what you need to know about the House in the 118th Congress. There are several important leadership positions in the House of Representatives. From "How much does the president make?" to "How many amendments are there?" to "What is an oligarchy?" – we're striving to find answers to the most common questions you ask every day. Read USA TODAY’s coverage of election toss-ups and races to watch here.

how many democrats in house

And CBS News projected Rep. Vicente Gonzalez defeated Rep. Mayra Flores — who previously won the 34th Congressional District seat earlier this year in a special election after Filemon Vela resigned. Gonzalez jumped from Texas' 15th Congressional District after his own shifted to the right during redistricting. Veteran Christopher DeLuzio, a Democrat, has won the House seat left open by Rep. Conor Lamb, who launched an unsuccessful bid for Pennsylvania Senate, CBS News projects. Republicans saw open seats like this one in the Pittsburgh suburbs as top targets to flip, since there was no incumbency advantage for the Democratic candidate. But DeLuzio may have been boosted by the successful Senate campaign of John Fetterman, who is from western Pennsylvania.

Special House elections were also held on various dates throughout 2020. Historically, many territories have sent non-voting delegates to the House. While their role has fluctuated over the years, today they have many of the same privileges as voting members, have a voice in committees, and can introduce bills on the floor, but cannot vote on the ultimate passage of bills.

Maloney was elected in 2012 as New York's first openly gay congressman. The 2nd District, which leans conservative, was redrawn this year to be even more conservative, but Luria went ahead with her reelection bid in the same district anyway. Valadao is one of 10 Republicans in the House who voted to impeach former President Trump in January 2021. California has nonpartisan primaries, and Valadao barely edged out Republican Chris Mathys to proceed to the General Election.

No further punishment is permitted during the impeachment proceedings; however, the party may face criminal penalties in a normal court of law. Speakers serve as chairs of their party's steering committee, which is responsible for assigning party members to other House committees. The speaker chooses the chairs of standing committees, appoints most of the members of the Rules Committee, appoints all members of conference committees, and determines which committees consider bills.

There are currently three vacant seats in the House (left by two Republicans and one Democrat).

In an effort to shore up other vulnerable incumbents, Malinowski's seat shifted heavily to the right during the state's redistricting process. Malinowski's campaign said their internal polls had shown them tied with Kean Jr. in the closing weeks of the campaign, but ultimately the GOP candidate was able to pull off the victory. House Republicans went into Election Day needing to shift five seats to reach the 218 needed to win the majority. Outside groups for House Republicans focused heavily on seats held by Democrats, and where President Biden had won.

How many House seats are Republican and Democrat? Congressional total

how many democrats in house

Mr. Biden acknowledged the challenging political landscape of a House led by Republicans, telling reporters in Bali, Indonesia, this week that he does not believe there are enough votes to protect abortion access unless something "unusual" happens in the House. In a statement Wednesday, President Biden said, "I congratulate Leader McCarthy on Republicans winning the House majority, and am ready to work with House Republicans to deliver results for working families." The Senate has 100 voting officials, and the House has 435 voting officials, along with five delegates and one resident commissioner.

Changes in partisan control

In the House GOP leadership elections Tuesday, McCarthy easily defeated Freedom Caucus challenger Rep. Andy Biggs, winning 188 votes to become the party's nominee for speaker. But to win the gavel, McCarthy will need 218 votes on the House floor. The rules of the House generally address a two-party system, with a majority party in government, and a minority party in opposition. The presiding officer is the Speaker of the House, who is elected by the members thereof.

Composition of the United States House of Representatives from 1983 to 2023, by party affiliation

Incumbent Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski flipped the 7th Congressional District, which extends along Central New Jersey. The district went for President Joe Biden by almost 10 points in 2020, but Malinowski was only elected by a one-point margin, according to NJ.com. The district has been redrawn and Mr. Biden would have only carried the new distrcit by 3.9 points. Allan Fung, who's the former mayor of Cranston, Rhode Island, is running against Democratic candidate Seth Magazine focusing on the economy – a topic used by Republicans against Democrats during the campaign trail. In each of these states, voters have negative views of the nation's economy.

Information for candidates

Ahead of the vote, Rep. Michael McCaul, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "History will judge us by our actions here today." "Our process, in the end, ensured that each member was able to consider the individual supplemental elements on their own merits, which is exactly how the House is supposed to work," Johnson said after the vote on Saturday afternoon. "I know there are critics of the legislation. I understand that — it is not a perfect piece of legislation. We're not ensured that in a time of divided government." The White House and congressional Democrats had urged Speaker Mike Johnson to hold a vote on that Senate package in the wake of Iran's recent unprecedented attack on Israel, and amid briefings that Ukraine is in dire need of U.S. aid. "The United States cannot continue to support the extreme offensive that has caused unimaginable suffering to the Palestinian people."

And in February, just 46 Democrats voted for an Israel aid bill that didn't include those cuts, with Democrats largely taking the position that they wanted to see Ukraine aid paired with Israel aid. The majority of American Muslims that ran for political office in 2018 were Democrats.[76][77] The first two Muslim women to serve in Congress, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, are both Democrats. She has written for outlets including the Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, with a focus on the Supreme Court and federal courts. The majority of House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump are retiring from Congress or lost their primaries.

List of current U.S. Senate members

Valadao was vocal about his opposition to Trump's behavior on and around the attack on the U.S. Valadao currently represents California's 21st Congressional District, but redistricting has reshuffled districts. Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez was first elected to represent the 15th Congressional District in 2016, when Hillary Clinton won the district. Democrat Brad Plaff and Republican Derrick Van Orden are facing off for Wisconsin's third congressional seat.

Maloney was criticized for the DCCC's decision to spend nearly $53 million in Republican primary contests to support far-right candidates who questioned the integrity of the 2020 presidential election. Maloney defended the practice on "Face the Nation" last month as a legitimate strategy to help Democrats in the general election. In 2020, there were 30 Democratic-held U.S. House districts up for election that Trump won in 2016. Nine of the districts flipped, voting in a Republican representative in 2020. This constitutes the 11th election since the Civil War in which the victorious presidential party lost seats in the House, after the elections of 1868, 1884, 1892, 1896, 1908, 1960, 1988, 1992, 2000, and 2016. The House also has one permanent committee that is not a standing committee, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and occasionally may establish temporary or advisory committees, such as the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

A flood of retirements is shaking up the battle for the House - NBC News

A flood of retirements is shaking up the battle for the House.

Posted: Sun, 24 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Democratic seats won by Republicans

Kean has sought to tie Malinowski to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mr. Biden on inflation. In the redistricting, several deep-red counties were added, making the race more difficult for Malinowski. Right now, in most of the Senate battleground states, the issue of inflation is outpacing abortion in terms of the importance of the issue to voters. But in Pennsylvania, early exit polling shows abortion outpaces inflation as a concern for voters. The top issue overall that's driving voters to the polls is inflation. Nearly three in four voters were dissatisfied about the country as they headed to the polls Tuesday, according to early exit polling.

Democrats Flip Santos' House Seat With Suozzi Win in New York - U.S. News & World Report

Democrats Flip Santos' House Seat With Suozzi Win in New York.

Posted: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Watch: Biden Compares Hamas To Putin As He Urges US Aid For Israel

On the Democratic side, Spanberger has been a frequent critic of "defund the police" advocates since 2020, calling the policy a "terrible idea" and voting alongside other Democrats to pass a police funding bill this September. On the trial, she has tried to characterize Vega as radical on abortion rights issues over her stated support for a bill to nationally ban abortion from conception. CBS News estimates party control of the House leans Republican, with 218 seats needed to win the majority of the lower chamber. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised House Democratic incumbents and candidates on the ballot across the country for their performances in the midterm elections and thanked grassroots volunteers for "enabling every voter to have their say in our democracy."

The 2020 election results are compared below to the November 2018 election, in which only 434 seats were filled (the election results in one constituency were voided). The results summary below does not include blank and over/under votes which were included in the official results. Most legislation needs to pass both chambers to become law, but the Senate has some important other functions, notably approving senior presidential appointments, for instance to the supreme court. The upper chamber, the Senate, has 100 members, who sit for six-year terms. Each state has two senators, regardless of its population; this means that Wyoming, with a population of less than 600,000, carries the same weight as California, with almost 40 million. If they do, the bill does not become law unless each House, by a two-thirds vote, votes to override the veto.

CBS News projects that Democrats will maintain two of the three House seats in Texas' Rio Grande Valley area — districts located along the U.S. Lawler says he considers himself to be "pro-life" but supports exceptions for rape, incest, and when the mother's life in jeopardy. In a lohud.com op-ed, he also said he would oppose a federal abortion ban. The race is still characterized as a toss-up according to CBS News estimates, with Lawler leading by 3,250 votes, or 1.2 percentage points, with 98% of jurisdictions reporting results. Still, the president, buoyed by the midterm results, hailed the elections as evidence of the "strength and resilience of American democracy." Forty-seven states used the first-past-the-post voting plurality system to elect their representatives.

The House of Representatives is down one Republican after 311 members voted to expel New York Republican Rep. George Santos. Santos’ time on Capitol Hill was fraught with controversies from day one, with reports that Santos embellished and fabricated parts of his resume and background. "Decisions made by the Office of University Life can be appealed to the dean of the student's school," said Chang. "Decisions made by the senate can be appealed to a panel of deans and, ultimately, the university's president."

Instant-runoff voting was used in one state (Maine) and runoff system was used in two states (Georgia and Louisiana). The approval of the Senate and the House of Representatives is required for a bill to become law. Both Houses must pass the same version of the bill; if there are differences, they may be resolved by a conference committee, which includes members of both bodies. For the stages through which bills pass in the Senate, see Act of Congress.

how many democrats in house

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population. In the 118th Congress which runs through Jan. 3, 2025, Republicans have majority control of the House of Representatives.

However, the North held no such advantage in the Senate, where the equal representation of states prevailed. The U.S. House of Representatives has chosen the winner of a presidential election on two occasions—1800 and 1824. The Republican House majority leader is Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise. Rep. Mike Johnson, the newly-elected Speaker of the House, is also a Louisiana Republican. “It is unruly; they are allowing mob rule on some of these campuses, and Columbia University was a case in point,” he said.

Rep. Abigail Spanberger is defending her tenuous hold on Virginia's 7th Congressional District after a tough campaign fending off attacks from Republican challenger Yesli Vega. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Democrats have great candidates who are "far superior" than Republicans. "I just think that we have to plan for 2024 differently than what took place in 2022. Now, does that mean bringing in new people? Does that mean reassigning roles? I don't know. I just think that people ought to just be honest with their assessments," he said. Amid the latest redistricting, this race became one of the most contested, as the district added new constituents that tend to lean right. Democratic incumbent Rep. Sharice Davids has won reelection in Kansas 3rd Congressional District by defeating Republican challenger Amanda Adkins, CBS News projects. Luria is a member of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S.

Monday, May 6, 2024

How to reduce the level of dust mites in your home

house dust mite

Shamiyeh et al. (1973) placed a 0.05 g sample of dust in 30 ml of a saturated NaCl solution and added 5 drops of detergent. The dust was teased apart and subjected to ultrasonic treatment for 20 minutes. The suspension was rinsed through a 45 micron mesh sieve, stained with crystal violet and examined under a stereo microscope.

A Breath of Fresh Air in Your Inbox

Luckily, there are things you can do to reduce the risk of dust mites in your home. Fortunately, there are several methods for how to get rid of dust mites in clothes, carpets, and more. It's important to note that getting rid of dust mites is an ongoing process.


Does Making Your Bed Worsen Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms? - POPSUGAR

Does Making Your Bed Worsen Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms?.

Posted: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

These observations are similar to previous studies that found increased IL-4 in 2- and 5-week HDM models17,23 and IL-13 mRNA levels after 2 weeks of HDM exposure17. In our models, expression of both mediators peaked at 2 weeks, with progressive decreases at 4 and 8 weeks of HDM exposure, which corresponds temporally with the progressive increase in airways inflammation and airway remodeling. In this paper, we describe two 4-week models of HDM-induced allergic airways inflammation using a lower (10 µg) and higher (25 µg) dose of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, and compare the phenotypic features to 2- and 8-week HDM models22. We found that 4 weeks of intranasal exposure to 25 µg HDM daily during the week, resulted in AHR, airways inflammation and remodeling with collagen deposition, which were comparable to the 8-week HDM-sensitization and -challenge model. We propose that this 4-week model is a suitable model of chronic allergic airways remodeling that offers significant advantage over the 8-week model due to the economy of time and resource utilization. Vacuuming and cleaning activities have not shown much benefit in reducing mite populations, or removing their allergenic materials (feces, cast skins, carcasses).

house dust mite

Reduce Clutter

house dust mite

However, an allergic reaction to these pesky creatures may induce skin rashes. “However, most patients develop their allergies during childhood or adolescence. It is a combination of genetics and exposure that leads to allergic sensitisation.” This refers to the development of antibodies to allergens that are ingested, absorbed or inhaled. That is why the change in season from dry to wet, such as spring, tends to be a problem in the city, Wu says. Going from wet to dry in the autumn can also be a problem, since the dust mite allergens accumulated during the humid season dry up and become fine dust.

Dubious dust mite treatments

The dust mites are cosmopolitan members of the mite family Pyroglyphidae. Dust mites are prevalent in most homes, so regular cleaning and other preventive measures are key to stopping their large numbers while also alleviating your allergies. Depending on the severity of your dust mite allergies, this condition may also trigger asthma. Wu, who used to suffer from asthma and rhinitis, desensitised himself and no longer struggles with allergies. Desensitisation, or allergen immunotherapy, he explains, “can reduce or eliminate allergic sensitivities leading to long-term improvement”. An HVAC system is the first line of defense against indoor dust.

Plush rugs and carpet provide a soft spot to land when you get out of bed in the morning, but did you know your flooring choices might actually be contributing to dust allergies? If possible, opt for hard floors and rely on washable rugs to keep your feet warm. If you must have carpet in some areas of the house, be sure to clean it regularly and vacuum as often as possible. Weekly loads of laundry are sufficient for many households, but if you suspect a dust mite infestation or are prone to allergy symptoms, take it up a notch. Wash linens more frequently and always on the hottest water setting (if the material allows).

If you live on a busy street with traffic or near a factory or mine, you will likely experience more dust than homes without these factors. The best solution is to seal windows and doors or other cracks and crevices that are possible dust entryways. Regularly washing carpets, textiles, and stuffed animals, as well as cleaning garages and attics, can go a long way.

Where does it live?

Treatment of the premises with either of these chemicals should be considered only as a supplement to more important allergy-reducing measures, such as encasement of bedding and removal of dust-laden furnishings. Dust in homes means dust mites are likely present, though invisible to the naked eye. These mites feed on skin flakes but are harmless and don't spread disease. They don't bite as head lice and bed bugs do, but their droppings can worsen allergies and asthma.

Be methodical, avoiding clean surfaces once your mop or cloth is dirty. Take the mop head or cloth outside to shake out the dust if possible, or add it right to the wash. Do so carefully, so you don't accidentally shake out any dust back into your home.

Models that also exhibit airway remodeling, a key feature of asthma, in addition to AHR and airway inflammation typically require 5–12 weeks to develop. We found that 4 weeks of intranasal HDM (25 µg in 35 µl saline; 5 days/week) resulted in AHR, airway inflammation and airway remodeling that were comparable to the 8-week model. Our survey of inflammatory responses revealed differences in the patterns of leukocyte recruitment to the airways, IgE response and inflammatory mediator expression amongst the different HDM protocols.

Abstract - Mauter - Ohio Wesleyan University

Abstract - Mauter.

Posted: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 09:39:05 GMT [source]

Even minor congestion, sneezing, or itchy eyes can disrupt sleep—because, remember, thousands of them are likely living in your mattress—and negatively impact your day-to-day wellbeing. Now, that doesn’t exactly make me feel better, but Stuczen explains that Dyson takes studying dust and dust mites very seriously. Their lab houses a farm which allows microbiologists to collect mite feces and learn more about the allergens they produce. They’ve also been conducting an annual Global Dust Study since 2021 to explore the effect that dust has on our health and well-being.

The neutrophil mediators CXCL-1 and IL-17A were highest at 2 weeks, consistent with the observation that neutrophilic inflammation begins very early, and with observations made in other 2-week HDM-exposure models17,23. We also observed significant increases in IL-6 and eotaxin-1 in the 2-week HDM model, although eosinophil recruitment to the airways was not statistically significant, despite a 5.6-fold increase relative to Saline controls. Our 2-week protocol consisted of daily exposures to 100 µg HDM (i.n.) from days 1–5, followed by a single i.n. Exposure to 100 µg HDM on day 11, and endpoint assessment on day 12.

Our beds are just as warm and cozy for dust mites as they are for us, thanks to all the skin flakes they can feed on. This is why changing bed linens frequently and cleaning the bedding properly is important for dust mite control. If you suspect that you may have dust mite allergy, take steps to reduce house dust, particularly in your bedroom.

Lastly, Gagliardi advises emptying the canister or switching out the filter bag outdoors. After all that hard work, you want to avoid re-introducing dust to any areas you just cleaned. Most people assume vacuuming is the easiest way to get rid of dust. However, some vacuum cleaners release excess dust and contaminants into the air, making your home feel dustier after you’ve cleaned.

In severe cases, the condition may be ongoing (chronic), resulting in persistent sneezing, cough, congestion, facial pressure, an eczema flare-up or severe asthma attack. If you have continuous allergy symptoms throughout the year, it may be worth talking to a doctor about possible dust mite allergies. While difficult to get rid of completely, there are ways you can manage dust mite populations in your home while also treating your allergies. While these microscopic creatures resemble small bugs, dust mites don’t actually leave bites on your skin. You’re also more likely to have other allergy symptoms, such as sneezing and postnasal drip. The scientists who produced the map at the top of this post didn’t actually set out to study dust mites.

Dust Mites American Lung Association

house dust mite

Remove or modify furnishings that accumulate dust and provide habitat for dust mites. Carpeting, upholstered furniture, drapes, curtains, stuffed toys, and other fabric-covered furnishings should be replaced with easy-to-clean items. This is especially important in bedrooms and other areas where allergy sufferers spend most of their time.

Children’s bedrooms

And for large rooms, make sure the air purifier you pick will handle the load. The house mites that share our homes are also known as dust mites, and two of the most common species are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae. These parasitic creatures typically live in different kinds of fabric, especially bedding. House mites do not easily move about your home like other types of mites and have specific needs to grow. As a result, the following tips can help you decrease house mites in your home. The bedroom is probably the most important place to attempt to eradicate house mites as you can have a significant exposure during sleep.

Allergies Going Haywire? Here's How to Create an Allergy-Proof Bedroom - Real Simple

Allergies Going Haywire? Here's How to Create an Allergy-Proof Bedroom.

Posted: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What Are Dust Mites?

Unlike pet allergens, dust mite allergens do not usually stay in the air. These allergens cling to bedding, mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets and curtains, which also serve as nests. Dust mites occur naturally and can appear in nearly all homes; roughly four our of five homes in the United States have dust mite allergens in at least one bed. Dust mites can live in the bedding, mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets or curtains. By taking steps to reduce the number of dust mites in your home, you may get control of dust mite allergy.


Along with getting rid of dust in your home, there are more ways to reduce allergens indoors. When choosing flooring, steer clear of wall-to-wall carpeting and only use area rugs that can be removed for cleaning. Keep flowers outdoors to reduce any exposure to pollen, and wash your hands when you come in from the outdoors. Keep pets groomed and bathed, especially if they shed, and don't let them sleep with you or other household members prone to allergic reactions.

house dust mite

And skip bedding you don't necessarily need, such as extra throw pillows or a bedskirt. This will give the dust mites fewer places where they can take up residence, and it will make cleaning your bedding easier on you. Dust mites play a large role in the health of those afflicted with allergies and asthma. Exposure to their allergens for a prolonged period can cause mild to severe reactions, as well as asthma attacks. When people who are sensitive react to inhaling proteins in dust that come from their feces, urine, or decaying bodies, they can develop symptoms. Humidity is the most important factor in determining whether a house has high levels of dust mites.

house dust mite

If your symptoms are severe then you may be referred onto a specialist for further assessment. As a professional organizer, this is my favorite tip—and it’s one that many people overlook. Having an excess of clutter around the house not only invites dust to collect, it also makes it significantly harder to clean.

Inflammatory mediator expression

Bedbugs are larger than dust mites, and can be seen with the naked eye. They’re sometimes confused with dust mites because they live in bedding, carpets, and curtains. Dust mites are one of the most common causes of asthma, but they may also provoke other allergic responses.

This breadth of choice facilitates the selection of specific models with careful consideration to the specific features in interest. CXCL-1 and eotaxin-1 were similarly increased with both 4-week HDM doses relative to Saline (Fig. 8A,B). Histological analysis of the lungs exposed to 10 µg HDM for 4 weeks demonstrated increased inflammatory infiltrates, collagen deposition and goblet cell hyperplasia (Supplemental Fig. 4A–C).

Treatment includes reducing exposure to house dust mite through reduction/ eradication techniques. Consider investing in a high-quality HEPA filter vacuum, as they’re much more effective at removing dust mites. "This reduces the number of skin flakes in the home, effectively starving dust mites to prevent their reproduction," she says. Those who are affected by dust mites typically experience hay fever symptoms similar to seasonal allergies. Pre-existing conditions, such as asthma and eczema, can also be exacerbated by a large presence of dust mites. And, in rarer occurrences, a respiratory infection can develop.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms though, you may need immediate relief.

Chemical control is not necessary, nor will it have a lasting effect on dust mite populations. Many people spend much time and money cleaning the air ducts to reduce dust mites. This is not necessary because dust mites need about 70% relative humidity or higher, and they need food.

They just wanted to document the diversity of insects inside homes across America in a way that didn’t involve entomologists spending hours with tweezers and a backache inside each home. Instead, they had people dust the tops of their door frames with cotton swabs, and then pack the samples off to the lab. In this way, they were able to easily and cheaply get a vast library of data on the insect occupants of American homes for the first time. L.N.W., W.Y.G., J.A.S. and C.W.C. were responsible for study design, manuscript writing and figure creation.

However, it’s nearly impossible to completely get rid of dust mites in your environment. Rather than dry mopping, it's best to use a damp mop if your goal is to get rid of dust and dust mites. That's because a dry mop can simply stir up dust rather than truly capture it.

Lung sectioning, subsequent staining with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Masson’s Trichrome, and slide scanning (40X) were conducted at the Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics (Toronto, ON). Eczema can be mild, moderate or severe and treatment of the condition will depend on its severity. For fabric items that can’t be washed—like stuffed animals or decorative throw pillows—seal them in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for at least 24 hours to kill off any mites. Minimize household dust and eliminate the primary cause of dust allergies with these expert tips.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Turpin siblings speak out in 1st interview about 'house of horrors'

escape from a house of horror

"But at the end, when I saw all my younger siblings, I knew that's what I had to do." Some of the children were bound to their beds and furniture by chains and padlocks and many of them told police they were "starving," according to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. An 11-year-old child was so malnourished that her arm circumference was the equivalent of a 4-and-a-half month old baby, investigators said.


The family’s oldest child was once forced to watch her cat be mauled to death by feral dogs after she was caught taking food out of the pantry without permission. The family’s home was described as a “House of Horrors” by authorities and the public. The children were often chained up after “playing with water” (washing their hands higher than their wrists) and were often left in their own waste for hours. Reports later revealed that the Turpin parents restricted the food their children could eat, left several of them in a home alone to fend for themselves, and imprisoned, beat, and strangled their kids. When the children were discovered, many of them were unable to communicate sufficiently and were not sure who the police were.

Years After Jordan Turpin Rescued Siblings from House of Horrors, a Look Back at Her PEOPLE Interview

As more children were born, Jennifer said neglect from their parents turned into physical abuse, and they would use parts of the Bible to explain their behavior. Beecham, who worked closely with the siblings and saw them twice a month when he was preparing a case against their parents, says at least five of the kids knew about the early-morning escape plan — and it wasn't their first plot to flee. In the early morning hours of Jan. 14, 2018, two Turpin siblings decided to flee their suburban house in Perris, Calif. Before she left, she faked a lump in her bed to make it look like she was still sleeping there. Her sister left two minutes later, from the same window, while two of her shackled siblings looked on.

escape from a house of horror

What is the Turpin family “House of Horrors?"

Most of the funds have gone into a trust that is controlled by a court-appointed public guardian, but details about the guardian -- and the money -- are hard to come by. After their rescue, some of the younger siblings spent years in foster homes where there were accusations of child abuse -- including an accusation that at least one of the Turpins was a victim of such abuse, for which charges have been filed. Two of the older children have at times had to resort to "couch-surfing," one advocate said, and, in at least one case, another was assaulted. In February 2019, David and Louise Turpin pleaded guilty to 14 felony counts, including torture, false imprisonment and child cruelty.

MORE: Turpin siblings speak out in 1st interview about 'house of horrors'

Judge Bernard Schwartz called the couple's actions "selfish, cruel, and inhumane." Turpin read the final portion of the statement himself, saying he hoped his children succeeded in school and later, in their chosen professions. One asked in a statement for a lighter sentence because "they believed everything they did was to protect us." She also said she wanted to have contact with them again, and asked that they be incarcerated nearby. Some of the children, who were not filmed, described still struggling with moving on from the plight, but expressed joy at being able to live new lives and attend school.

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David and Louise found other ways to use food and gifts to torture their children. Sometimes they would leave pies out in front of the kids, but tell them they couldn’t have any or even touch the desserts. They also filled their home with unopened gifts at Christmas, never letting their children enjoy anything they brought into the home. Children said they were beaten, caged and shackled to beds if they didn't obey their parents. Investigators found that the toddler had not been abused, but all of the children were hospitalized after they were discovered. The couple pleaded guilty in Riverside County Superior Court in February to torture and other abuse and neglect so severe it stunted their children's growth, led to muscle wasting and left two of the girls unable to bear children.

ABC News was there the first time Jordan reunited with that first "stranger" she ever met -- Deputy Anthony Colace -- who responded the day of her escape. She showed him the photos of her dirty, shackled sisters, explaining that the chains were punishment for taking food. "If we went to Oklahoma, there was a big chance that some of us would have died," Jordan said of her severely malnourished and frail siblings. After that incident, Jordan secretly talked to a couple of her sisters about trying to come up with a plan to escape. "We [weren’t] even allowed to stand up. We were supposed to be sitting down all the time," added Jennifer, now 33.

Jordan Turpin Opens Up About Life After Escaping 'House Of Horrors' - OK!

Jordan Turpin Opens Up About Life After Escaping 'House Of Horrors'.

Posted: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

For years, the Turpin children were rarely allowed to leave their home - first in Texas, and then in California. Jordan's plan to contact authorities was more than two years in the making and culminated as the family was planning a move from California to Oklahoma. “My plan was, okay, while we're on the trip and in a crowd, I’m going to sneak out and call 911," Jordan told PEOPLE. From the abuse they endured in the "House of Horrors" to their lives today, here's everything to know about the Turpin family. Colace noted that Turpin did not seem to know common words like "bruise" to describe the way she and her siblings were being treated.

MORE: Turpin sisters on finding courage to develop plan for escape from imprisonment

The 17-year-old had only been outside a few times in her entire life and she was terrified. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably as she held a deactivated cell phone her parents didn’t know she had, but thinking of her siblings chained up inside the house, she worked up the courage to dial 911. It was a dire warning to their kids that set the abused children's escape plan into motion, authorities say. "David and Louise agreed that they were just going to chain all the kids up once they got to the new house in Oklahoma and they were about to move in the next few days," Riverside County Deputy District Attorney Kevin Beecham tells PEOPLE. As the adult children struggled under county guardianship, some of their seven younger siblings faced new hardships in the foster care system and the California-based agency contracted to run it by the county.

As part of the probe, an outside law firm "will be seeking" to interview the Turpin children, the office also said. Current employees will be "directed to participate in this investigation," but not required. "Did we see kids having to not have a safe place to live or stay at times? Yes. Did they have enough food at times? They did not," Donaldson said. "They had to go to churches and eat because they didn't know how to manage money … and some without housing at times."

"I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt my children. I love my children so much. ... I only want the best for them," she said. Colace gave the credit to Jordan, telling her he was glad she took that photo of her sisters in chains. Both Jordan and Jennifer declined to discuss their other siblings, wanting to protect their privacy and making it clear they were only sharing their own experiences. In another bedroom, police found a boy with thick chains on his wrists and ankles, tied to a bed railing.

Growing up, Jennifer Turpin attended public school from first to third grade but then her parents took her out. From then on, the parents claimed to be homeschooling their children but weren’t in reality. The children were rarely allowed to leave their home when the family lived in Texas and then in California, they said they were never allowed outside without their parents. The children spent most of their time in the house but would occasionally take family trips, including one where they went to Las Vegas for their parents' vow renewal. Two of the Turpin sisters, who along with their 11 siblings were held captive for years before escaping in 2018, are speaking out for the first time about the abuse they endured.

When ABC News attempted to meet up with her last week, she avoided cameras. The next morning, a county spokeswoman said Espinoza had not worked there since Aug. 21, declining to say anything more because of both personnel-confidentiality rules and the court's order of secrecy in the Turpin cases. "You rarely hear folks like you speaking out publicly about your work. This is the exception," ABC News correspondent David Scott told Donaldson as she explained what the last four years have been like for the Turpin children. But advocates and several of the Turpins themselves have come forward to share troubling tales of their plight. Melissa Donaldson, the Director of Victim Services in Riverside County, said some of the children told her they "felt betrayed" by the county. "That is unimaginable to me -- that we could have the very worst case of child abuse that I've ever seen," Hestrin said, "and then that we would then not be able to get it together to give them basic needs."

Beyond 'House of Horrors': Jordan Turpin reflects on her experience with new brand 'Braveness' - FOX 11 Los Angeles

Beyond 'House of Horrors': Jordan Turpin reflects on her experience with new brand 'Braveness'.

Posted: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Within a year she had caught up to high school junior level — and at 18, she entered a school building for the first time. "Well I am not -- I don't have the information you're looking for," Spiegel told ABC News. "We're still in investigation stages, so I don't have anything to share with you." "We take our work very seriously, including the extensive vetting of resource parents which is subject to state law," said Brett Lewis, the ChildNet spokesperson. In a statement to ABC News, a ChildNet spokesperson said the company was limited in what it could say because of confidentiality laws, but they stood by their work.

Unfortunately for the Turpin children, who ranged in age from 2 to 29, those promises have fallen flat. On 14 January 2018, she realised time was running out when she heard her mother scream that the family were moving to Oklahoma. "[I told her] get pictures, anything to prove so they can't think you're a teenager looking for attention," Jennifer said, appearing alongside her sister on ABC's Escape from a House of Horror - A Diane Sawyer Special Event on Friday. In 2016, Jordan said she got hold of one of her parents' old smartphones, which opened up a whole new world when she eventually discovered Justin Bieber videos. They only ate once a day, usually peanut butter sandwiches, bologna or a frozen burrito and chips, while their parents taunted them with fast food.

Just four days after ABC News requested from the court an explanation for the sealing order, Judge Cahraman unsealed a few of the filings partially explaining the secrecy in the case. The newly available documents shed no light on the Turpins' care or lives since they were rescued, but the unsealing did mark a first for the case. The Turpins' case remains shrouded in secrecy -- obscured from public view through sealed court records and a conservatorship, the same arrangement that recently ended for pop star Britney Spears. All 13 children were rushed to the hospital, where they were treated, given clean clothes, rooms and food. Now 21, Jordan and her sister Jennifer, 33, have spoken out about the horrific abuse they endured at the hands of David and Louise Turpin - who are now in prison for beating, shackling, and starving their children.

Turpin sisters who escaped house of horrors speak out about abuse

escape from a house of horror

Unfortunately for the Turpin children, who ranged in age from 2 to 29, those promises have fallen flat. On 14 January 2018, she realised time was running out when she heard her mother scream that the family were moving to Oklahoma. "[I told her] get pictures, anything to prove so they can't think you're a teenager looking for attention," Jennifer said, appearing alongside her sister on ABC's Escape from a House of Horror - A Diane Sawyer Special Event on Friday. In 2016, Jordan said she got hold of one of her parents' old smartphones, which opened up a whole new world when she eventually discovered Justin Bieber videos. They only ate once a day, usually peanut butter sandwiches, bologna or a frozen burrito and chips, while their parents taunted them with fast food.

"House of horrors" parents get 25 years to life in prison as siblings speak out: "I'm taking my life back"

Five Turpin children remained in that home for three years while the alleged abuse took place. A lawyer for one of those family members said, "The family are devastated by these charges. At this point, we do not know the basis for these charges, and my client is denying these charges are true." Reports detailing the children's well-being, records accounting for the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised by strangers, and other documents in the court filing remain sealed.

MORE: David and Louise Turpin, parents who allegedly tortured their kids, plead guilty to 14 counts: DA

Prosecutors said the punishment ranged from being beaten and choked to being shackled to their beds with no access to the bathroom for months at a time. "We are confident, given what they've been through and how resilient they are, that they're going to be really successful," said Jack Osborn, a court-appointed attorney for the seven adult children, after their parents' sentencing in 2019. The five children had even been adopted by that family in October 2019, the same time-period in which the alleged abuse was occurring. ChildNet declined to provide details about the vetting of the family, citing confidentiality laws. Recent court filings show the court-appointed public guardian failed to file the annual accounting for the trust, leaving the family's finances opaque.

Turpin siblings speak out in 1st interview about 'house of horrors'

Most of the funds have gone into a trust that is controlled by a court-appointed public guardian, but details about the guardian -- and the money -- are hard to come by. After their rescue, some of the younger siblings spent years in foster homes where there were accusations of child abuse -- including an accusation that at least one of the Turpins was a victim of such abuse, for which charges have been filed. Two of the older children have at times had to resort to "couch-surfing," one advocate said, and, in at least one case, another was assaulted. In February 2019, David and Louise Turpin pleaded guilty to 14 felony counts, including torture, false imprisonment and child cruelty.

MORE: Turpin sisters describe living in 'house of horrors': 'I thought I was going to die'

Jordan Turpin's daring escape from her parent's "house of horror" has been revealed in never-before-seen bodycam footage. The Turpin parents managed to hide their abuse for years by having the family sleep during the day and awake at night. Both parents worked in their home and set up their property as a private K-12 school with the California Department of Education. Prosecutors said the deal would likely keep them in prison for the rest of their lives and spare the children from testifying. Police rushed all 13 children to the hospital, where they were treated, given clean clothes, rooms and food. The first thing Jordan said she ate was macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets.

“I would try to stretch it out and make sure that we at least had stuff to eat each day of the week,” she said. Their new house eventually became filthy, Jennifer Turpin said, covered in mold, dirt and trash. The mother she used to adore started having violent mood swings when she was still very little, she said. Watch the Diane Sawyer special event, "Escape From A House Of Horror," on Friday, Nov. 19 at 9 p.m.

Years After Jordan Turpin Rescued Siblings from House of Horrors, a Look Back at Her PEOPLE Interview

"When the case first broke, I obviously got thousands of offers of help ... dentists, and doctors, and people saying, 'I will serve these kids pro bono. Please send them my way,'" she said. Nearly four years later, and with nearly all media coverage gone, the order sealing almost every record in the case remains in place, effectively blocking any scrutiny from the public. In late 2018, Judge Thomas Cahraman, overseeing the conservatorships, expressed concerns that the sealing order was "too broad" -- but he ruled to keep it in place. At first, he was not sure what to make of it, but when he saw Jordan's photos of her dirty, shackled sisters he said it "really sealed the deal for me". "Over this last year, I have learned a lot about mental health and everything. It was a really rough year," Turpin said.

"[Talking to the dispatcher], I was like, 'I'm scared [my parents] are going to come,'" she continued. "They would just kill me right there, especially if they knew I was on the phone with the police." She said she asked her sisters, chained to a bed, for permission to take their photos before doing so, which she did with her brother’s old cell phone that she had secretly gotten hold of. "I was always terrified that if I called the cops or tried to escape, I would get caught, and then I knew I would die if I got caught," Jordan, now 21, told ABC News' Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview.

Read PEOPLE's 2018 Cover Story on California House of Horrors — and Siblings' Miraculous Escape - PEOPLE

Read PEOPLE's 2018 Cover Story on California House of Horrors — and Siblings' Miraculous Escape.

Posted: Tue, 09 Nov 2021 08:00:00 GMT [source]

In the complaints, they allege not only that the foster family had a prior history of abusing children, but also that the organizations were aware of that history — and failed to act even after the children asked for help. After a Nov. 9 meeting of the county's Board of Supervisors, Chairwoman Karen Spiegel, the county's top elected official, declined to discuss specifics about what has transpired with the Turpin children since they were rescued. "Have there been other issues that have come to light in the many foster care homes in which the minor Turpin children have been placed?" Scott asked Donaldson. "They had to go to churches and eat because they didn't know how to manage money ... and some without housing at times." "They have been victimized again by the system," Mike Hestrin, the Riverside County district attorney, told ABC News' Diane Sawyer in an interview for the 20/20 special event, "Escape From A House Of Horror." The interview featured newly-released bodycam footage showing Jordan after she had fled her parent's house, which became known as the "house of horror".

Both Jordan and Jennifer Turpin declined to discuss their other siblings, wanting to protect their privacy and making it clear they were only sharing their own experiences. They shared that the siblings see each other often and relish these moments. After being in the hospital, Jordan said the first place she went to was a park with two of her sisters.

State law mandates confidentiality on all juvenile court proceedings, effectively shielding the records of the minor Turpin children. But in the probate court overseeing the adult Turpin children's cases, a blanket sealing order has been issued as well-- an unusual move enacted right after the children were rescued in order to protect them from the onslaught of media coverage. Both David and Louise were charged with multiple counts of torture, false imprisonment and child abuse. Jordan and her 13-year-old sister escaped the house together by crawling out a window in January 2018, but the younger girl went back home after she got scared. Jordan, who had spent two years devising the plan with some of her siblings, carried her older brother's deactivated cellphone and called 911. The children were not the only beings in the home who were subjected to their parent’s cruel treatment.

escape from a house of horror

On January 14, 2018, one of the daughters, then-17-year-old Jordan Turpin, escaped and called local police, who then raided the residence and discovered disturbing evidence. Given the number of dependents involved, the degree of abuse, and the protracted nature occurring over decades, the story garnered significant national and international news. Experts in family abuse considered the case to be extraordinary for many reasons.

As part of the probe, an outside law firm "will be seeking" to interview the Turpin children, the office also said. Current employees will be "directed to participate in this investigation," but not required. "Did we see kids having to not have a safe place to live or stay at times? Yes. Did they have enough food at times? They did not," Donaldson said. "They had to go to churches and eat because they didn't know how to manage money … and some without housing at times."

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Killing Weevils Hands-on Ways to Kill Weevils at Home

weevils in house

Remember to fully clean the containers by washing them with soap and hot water and then completely drying them to ensure that no moisture remains in the containers. Additionally, if you discover small bugs in your stored food or small moths fluttering around the kitchen, you will most likely need to stop the infestation and eliminate it. There are a few simple ways to get rid of weevils such as using a vacuum cleaner or a broom, or wipe the pantry shelves and cabinets with soapy water. Wash all shelves and cabinet interiors with a sponge dipped in hot soapy water, white vinegar, or a nontoxic household cleaner, and let dry thoroughly.

Strawberry root weevils: Uninvited guests stop by in late summer and early fall - Michigan State University

Strawberry root weevils: Uninvited guests stop by in late summer and early fall.

Posted: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

How to Prevent Weevils From Invading Your Pantry?

weevils in house

Instead, the tiny bugs lay eggs in the slime found in sewers and drains. While they do not carry disease, they can be persistent nuisances because of their numbers and the difficulty of eliminating them. First, look for evidence of the nasty pests—small dark reddish-brown creatures about the size of an apple seed. This article refers to all tiny household pests as black bugs, irrespective of whether they belong to the order Hemiptera or not.

thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Weevils (and Keep Them Out of Your Pantry)”

Tom has built and remodeled homes, generated his own electricity, grown his own food and more, all in quest of remaining as independent of society as possible. Now he shares his experiences and hard-earned lessons with readers around the country. Soak cotton balls with it and then put them in a sachet or wrap them in a coarse cloth and leave it anywhere that you need some weevil repellent. Eucalyptus oil is another known and proven weevil repellent and one that happens to smell great. You have another way to use eucalyptus oil besides wiping it on.


The oval-shaped wheat weevil (AKA grain or granary weevil) is a uniform reddish-brown and feeds primarily on cereal grains. They’ll attack maize, wheat, and many other grains, with their adult size varying based on the size of the grain they hatched inside of. These are similar in appearance to rice weevils and at one time were thought to be the same species. Maize weevils are 1/8th inch larger than rice weevils, and their grain of choice is corn, though they also eat rice and wheat. The black carpet beetle is a small, oval-shaped bug with a shiny black body and hard shell. The tiny black beetles are slightly rounded, and adult carpet beetles measure 0.13” to 0.20” (3 – 5 mm) long.

In her free time she enjoys cooking, traveling, and working out. These beetles are round to oval and have a long, narrow snout that seems reminiscent of an anteater’s snout or elephant’s trunk. Even more bizarre, their antennae are located partway down this snout (known as a rostrum) instead of on the head itself.

Weevils are a nuisance, though they aren’t often dangerous to people or pets. Unfortunately, by the time you encounter them, there is already an infestation. Outdoors, weevils eat the leaves of trees, shrubs and plants.

Be sure to also wipe down each of your containers as you return them to the pantry. There are a lot of different remedies to fend off weevils, from chemical to hiring natural predators (parasitic wasps especially love weevils). However, the best overall remedy is to use a neem soil soak. There’s a hidden war in the insect world, a war of good and weevil, in which the pantry is often a battlefield.

However, in the fall of the year, these plant-feeding weevils start looking for a place to spend the winter. Nothing is worse than reliving an insect infestation after going through all of the efforts to eliminate them. Using preventative methods is key to keeping your food storage area clean and weevil-free. Follow the instructions on your pesticides and spray the solution as directed along each shelf’s cracks and crevices. Clean the area with rags and dry each section with paper toweling. If you have a severe weevil infestation and you’re confident that there is no chance of contaminating your food, try treating the pantry with a commercial insecticide.

Noticeable, Unusual Debris in Food

Pantry bugs, also known as kitchen pests, are a group of black bugs or dark brown beetles and weevils that infest stored dry foodstuffs. The tiny black bugs are found in pantries, kitchen cabinets, and other food storage areas. Adult weevils look for shelter when it is hot and dry outdoors. Storage areas with a lot of spilled foods are more susceptible to weevil infestations, as well as those in which many partially used containers are stored.

In fact, the high heat of a good steam vacuum can make quick work of weevils. It can even kill any eggs that have been laid inside food debris. They also feed on grains such as rice, so you might bring them into your home if you buy grains infested with weevils. Black widow spiders are some of the most dangerous black bugs in houses. The biting spiders are identified by their distinctive shiny black body, reddish hourglass marking, and long black legs.

Learning how to get rid of weevils may involve using several simultaneous but simple strategies. Orkin can help identify the source of the weevil infestation. An Orkin Specialist is trained to help get rid of weevils and to help keep weevils from invading your home.

Even if you meticulously clean your kitchen, you can open your cupboards one day and realize that they are swarming with small insects. Keeping your pantry clean can also go a long way in preventing a weevil infestation. Spills on the shelves or the floor will serve as an invitation for these pests to come, mate, and start laying their eggs. For this reason, it is essential to quickly clean up messes, rescind that invite, and ensure that weevils don't find your pantry a welcoming space. It won't do much good to have your dry goods in airtight containers but leave a pile of spilled oats or rice covering your shelves.

There are actually thousands of different weevil species, but only a few species are interested in the contents of your pantry. To keep your pantry clean, regularly empty the shelves and wipe them down with a microfiber cloth and hot water. Take care to get into the corners where crumbs can hide more easily. Then, vacuum the floor well to pick up any remaining crumbs. In addition to keeping your pantry clean, give the same level of attention to the rest of your kitchen and any other areas where food is stored or eaten. This will kill any weevils that may be hiding before they get the chance to cause serious damage.

Phorid flies are small black flying bugs that resemble fruit flies or gnats. These tiny black flies have a humpbacked appearance, dark gray, black, or brown bodies, and translucent wings. A distinguishing feature is their erratic flying behavior close to surfaces. Drain flies are small grayish-black flying bugs with a fuzzy appearance that fly near sinks and drains.

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Tender meatballs simmered in marinara sauce and topped with Provolone cheese. With hamburger, jalapenos, lettuce, tomatoes, taco shell and sour cream on the side. Comes with chicken, lettuce, parm cheese, and caesar dressing.

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Marinated chicken with garlic sauce, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes & French fries. Crisp bacon, juicy grape tomatoes, shredded lettuce, and a special sauce. Boneless chicken breast coated in breading, smothered in buffalo wing sauce.

Webster House Of Pizza

Crispy chicken breast strips tossed in buffalo sauce, blue cheese, lettuce, and onion in a soft wrap. Breaded & deep-fried chicken wings with your choice of sauce. Deep-fried breaded party wings with a side of french fries and Salad and a dipping sauce. Try the best pizzas in Webster.Webster House of Pizza is one of the most popular in Webster.


An awful lot of deals were concluded and script meetings held in its lush, red booths. Marinated chicken stir-fry with Onion, mushroom and green peppers. Breaded cutlet topped with sauce and cheese of your choice. Bread, topped with garlic, herb seasoning, baked to perfection. Filled with barbeque chicken and lots of melting cheese.


A food lover's guide to Webster Groves, Missouri - Feast Magazine

A food lover's guide to Webster Groves, Missouri.

Posted: Thu, 08 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Call ahead and get curbside pickup at Webster House of Pizza. It's never been easier to get hot, fresh pizza to go.You can pay by credit card at Webster House of Pizza. That makes it easy to get your pizza as quickly as possible. Served on pita bread with tzatziki sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, and onion.

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Quickly becoming my favorite pizza restaurant in the area. Tawook wrap is delicious and the pizza is pretty good. Today I got the chicken cutlet sub and was pleasantly surprised.

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Try their pizza, and you'll soon see why.Try some of Webster's best dishes at independent pizzerias in the city. Find new favorites and get a taste of what Webster has to offer. No trip to Webster is complete without trying the famous Chicken Finger Dinner.

They use fresh breaded chicken although they were more like fried pieces of chicken breast. Lots of other places use pre frozen or formed patties and the quality of this is so much better than many other places In the area. Home-made potato skins, baked to a crisp, then topped with cheddar cheese, and bacon; served with sour cream.

See what all the fuss is about with this local favorite.Add french fries to your pizza for a more satisfying meal. It's a great addition to any pizza from Webster House of Pizza.Webster House of Pizza has been a Slice partner since 2017. They've been serving the local community for a while now, so you can rely on them providing great pizza.

Stuffed with buffalo chicken and gooey mozzarella cheese. I rented it a few times on behalf of CAPS, the Comic Art Professional Society, back when I was on its Board of Directors. The only reason I can imagine for its closure in the eighties was that they didn’t do as much business in the evenings as they did for lunch.

Juicy jalapeno poppers breaded and filled with cheese and fried to golden perfection. Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside. 7 Pieces of breaded & pealed Shrimp deep-fried and served with Fries, coleslaw, and tartar sauce. Zitti Pasta with your choice of Sauce & topping and baked in the oven. Spaghetti Pasta with your choice of Sauce & topping and baked in the oven.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The issues that will define the rest of Rhode Islands legislative session

state house of rhode island

It is made of marble, quarried in Georgia, was one of the first major public buildings to have electricity, and boasts the fourth largest self-supported marble dome in the world, following St. Peter’s Basilica, the Minnesota State Capitol, and the Taj Mahal. The State House was designed by the renowned architecture firm of McKim, Mead & White, winners of a national competition to design a new State House for Rhode Island. Based in New York, the firm was well-known for having designed important buildings across the country including the Agricultural Pavilion at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago and the Boston Public Library. In Rhode Island, they designed the Narragansett Pier and Newport Casinos, as well as the homes of many prominent residents. Significantly, the Rhode Island State House is the only state capitol building designed by McKim, Mead & White.

How many homeless people are living in Rhode Island?

Committee hearings are usually scheduled in the afternoon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, but can occur on other days, especially during the later months of session. Committee meetings can be scheduled before or after session on days when there is a floor session. Friday's court hearing took place on a day the administration planned to open the Cranston Street Armory at 5 p.m. As a 24-hour, 50-bed "warming station," operated at least initially by the National Guard with cots and medical services available for emergencies. Late Friday, the governor's office announced that Amos House had been given preliminary approval to run the Armory warming station.

state house of rhode island


Occasionally, House or Senate leaders call legislators back to session after they have wrapped up business for the year for actions like overriding vetoes or handling urgent legislative matters. Our homepage features a calendar that will keep you up-to-date on upcoming sessions and committee meetings. How the state will spend billions of dollars in the new fiscal year is always the biggest issue for the General Assembly, and this year is especially intriguing as federal American Rescue Plan Act funding begins to dry up and unexpected issues take center stage.

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The library with dark woodwork and coved ceiling embellished with gilded Renaissance book-publishers’ monograms, is very much in the mode of the interiors of the many Manhattan men’s clubs designed by the firm. The Senate, semicircular in plan, is more intimate, as befits an upper chamber. Since the early 1990s, a private organization, the State House Restoration Society, has been an effective advocate and fundraising organization for this much loved landmark. In sum, this building is in many ways the culmination of the wealth generated in the many commercial buildings represented in this tour and the industrial buildings in the following one. The chamber of the Rhode Island Senate is located in the east wing of the building, and the chamber of the Rhode Island House of Representatives is located in the west wing. Other notable rooms include the rotunda (beneath the dome), the State Library (north end), and the State Room (south end).


Senate Majority Leader Ryan Pearson’s top priority for 2024 was passing legislation to require firearm owners to safely store their firearms when not in use, and that happened in March. But now there’s a bit of a waiting game in the House as negotiations over other bills continue. There is also some buzz in progressive circles that a ban on so-called assault weapons could happen, but Senate President Dominick Ruggerio has always been resistant to that bill.

Conn. Legislature OKs 2.5% raise plus step hike for most state employees • Rhode Island Current - Rhode Island Current

Conn. Legislature OKs 2.5% raise plus step hike for most state employees • Rhode Island Current.

Posted: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 20:53:54 GMT [source]

The House chamber to the west is appropriately the larger of the two, and the arcadian Baumgarten tapestries on the north and south colonnaded walls visually open a space deep within the building. The marble dome, the fourth largest structural-stone dome in the world, recalls both Michelangelo’s dome at St peter’s in Rome and Sir Christopher Wren’s at St Paul’s in London but goes them one better because of its siting. Visible literally for miles, the dome captures the brilliant colors of sunset’s fading light, and its evening illumination provides a lucent centerpiece to the city. The Rhode Island State House, the capitol of the state of Rhode Island, is located at 900 Smith Street just below the crest of Smith Hill, on the border of downtown in Providence. It is a neoclassical building designed by McKim, Mead & White which features the fourth largest structural-stone dome in the world,[1] topped by a gilded statue of "The Independent Man", representing freedom and independence. The building houses the Rhode Island General Assembly – the state House of Representatives is located in the west wing, and the Senate in the east – and the offices of the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, and general treasurer of Rhode Island.

state house of rhode island

RI pushes back removal of Independent Man from State House - WPRI.com

RI pushes back removal of Independent Man from State House.

Posted: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The inside, beautifully preserved in its original condition, is a marvelous spatial experience. The vestibules on both north and south are trapezoidal in the plan, wider at the entrance. They literally funnel the visitor towards the central rotunda, the location of the principal staircase linking the entrance level with public rooms on the second level. Most capitol rotundas are open spaces, but this is the architects’ reinterpretation of Mangin & McComb’s New York City Hall of 1810, not far from their offices in lower Manhattan. The axial change halfway between the first and second floors allows the visitor to experience and understand the organization of those spaces, for from this landing both legislative chambers are visible as well as the Governor’s Reception Room on the south and the State Library to the north.

You can look up multiple bill numbers in the same search by entering all their four-digit numbers, separated only by commas or + without a space in between. Sponsor – Use this field if you know the name of the prime sponsor or any cosponsor of the bill. Be sure to click “prime" option to the right if you know the legislator who is the prime sponsor (also called the “lead sponsor"). You can select more than one field at the same time to narrow your search results. A Bill Status/History search is easier, but you'll need a bit of information about the bill, such as the bill number or a sponsor's name.

Where can I read Rhode Island's existing laws?

The buildings, sometimes referred to as “colony houses” were also used as courthouses. The two-story, rectangular-block, brick building was modeled after the Newport Colony House ( ). It had a symmetrical composition; segmental-arch window openings; brownstone quoins, window trim and stringcourse; a second-story balcony; and a balustraded hip roof with a center gable and wood cupola. Its elevated site, approached by an axial parade ground, referenced Baroque planning concepts that had become popular in other colonial cities and enhanced the building’s grandeur. Holding a bill for further study is a procedural move that is part of the legislative process for virtually all bills that have a hearing before a committee.

On top of the dome stands a gold-covered bronze statue of a male figure known as The Independent Man. If testifying in person, try to refrain from reading written comments to the committee or commission members. Speak simply and briefly, and avoid repeating yourself or those who've already spoken. In written testimony, unique submissions are more impactful than text that has been copied and pasted by dozens of individuals.

And finally, Shekarchi reiterated his hope that the House and Senate will come to terms and pass a reworked version of Rhode Island's oft criticized "Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights'' early in the new session. Moving on to the labor shortages plaguing multiples sectors, Shekarchi called what is happening in the health care world especially concerning. Shekarchi did not spell out what he specifically believes lawmakers could, and should, do next in a state that has already tried trucks-only tolls to raise money to fix decades of neglected maintenance, only to get slapped down by a judge in 2023 after years of legal wrangling. At minimum, he said, that will include "taking steps to address Medicaid reimbursement rates."

There’s some palace intrigue in the Senate with President Ruggerio telling the Providence Journal that he’s being treated for cancer, and acknowledging that Majority Leader Pearson made a not-so-subtle attempt to take over. Municipal leaders are privately voicing concern about legislation that would grant retirement benefits to public safety workers with post-traumatic stress injuries. And there’s still a question over whether the General Assembly takes any action to help retirees following Treasurer James Diossa’s pension working group study.

Rhode Island State House Wikipedia

state house of rhode island

Lightning has hit the statue over the decades, with a strike in 1927 causing damage, according to Journal archives. State Director of Administration Jonathan Womer said it is not clear how the platform was damaged, but the gaps do not appear to have been caused by normal aging and were not visible eight months ago. Video from a drone inspecting the upper reaches of the State House revealed two gaps, like slices removed from a cake, in the domed marble platform that the Independent Man stands on. Self-guided audio tours ands self-guided tour brochures are also available at the building entrance and in the State Library. The building served as the United States Capitol exterior in the 1997 film Amistad and the City Hall of Capital City in Disney's Underdog.

Labor shortages, LEOBOR and public records

"State employees with the Department of Housing continued to be on site at the encampment last night and transported four individuals to shelter," Matt Sheaff, a spokesman for McKee, said Saturday morning. Lawyers representing encampment residents on Friday had said at that time that four people remained in the tents, which at one point were said to house as many as 50 people. In this building, Rhode Island renounced allegiance to the British Crown on May 4, 1776, the first of the thirteen colonies to do so. The General Assembly, meeting in the Old State House, repealed restrictions on the voting rights of Roman Catholics in 1783; passed the Gradual Emancipation Act in 1784, one of the first such laws in the United States; and was one of the first state legislatures to abolish the death penalty, in 1852. As the Governor has indicated, it is important to identify new recurring funding sources that can help address our housing and homelessness challenges over multiple years – to partner with municipalities, non-profits, and advocacy groups to help fund and carry out this work moving forward. There are several bills in House Speaker Joe Shekarchi’s latest housing package, but the most contentious issue continues to be a proposal to allow homeowners to build an accessory-dwelling unit within the existing footprint of their structures or on any lots larger than 20,000 square feet.

Housing, health care, guns, LEOBOR, and the budget are among the key issues that still need to be addressed

It was not immediately clear whether the lawyers representing the people remaining in the homeless encampment will appeal his rejection of their bid for an injunction. "We need to more carefully review the judge's [oral] decision ... and talk with the clients," said Steven Brown, executive director of the Rhode Island chapter of the ACLU. Back on the House side of the marble divide, Shekarchi named "safe and affordable housing" as a second top priority.

Sights and sounds from URI Day at the State House - The University of Rhode Island

Sights and sounds from URI Day at the State House.

Posted: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]


Working closely with partners across the state, this winter the administration was able to increase seasonal shelter beds by 32 percent over the previous year. While federal funding for these efforts was temporarily increased in the wake of the COVID-19 emergency, the fact remains that this one-time federal funding will not be available in the future, further underscoring the need for a permanent funding stream. It’s an election year, and there’s talk of trying to end the legislative session by June 14, which gives lawmakers about seven weeks to finish their work.

At the top of our home page, you'll find a link to news, where you'll find news​ releases about the latest action in the General Assembly. Click on View all Recent Press Releases for a more comprehensive list, or use the search function if you're looking for something particular. Click on Weekly Highlights for a weekly news roundup issued each Friday when the Assembly is in session. For the fourth consecutive year, lawmakers have been saying this will be the year changes will be made to the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, which functions as the bible for police disciplinary issues.

Visitor Center and Gift Shop

There you will find the day's television schedule, including the web channels to use if you want to stream an event live. Below the web channels are links where you can access, on demand, video of past House and Senate sessions, committee and commission meetings, and a variety of special events and programming. Over the course of the 19th century, Providence – geographically positioned to take advantage of an industrializing economy – overtook Newport as Rhode Island’s political, financial and civic center.

Filming of Ella McCay in RI State House - The Providence Journal

Filming of Ella McCay in RI State House.

Posted: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Each commission has a page there for its membership, and there is a link that will provide a list of upcoming commission meetings. Each posted agenda will tell you whether public testimony is being accepted at that particular meeting. If you wish to submit written testimony, each agenda will also provide the address to which you can email your testimony. You can use our site to watch the action live or on-demand through Capitol Television.

state house of rhode island

The medial sales price of a single-family home in Providence, for example, climbed from $337,250 to $373,750 in March, a 10.82% jump. In Lincoln, the increase was more severe from, $410,000 to $560,000, a rise of 36.59%. The General Laws are updated with new laws annually after the General Assembly sessions conclude. Committee inventory — You can use this field if you know the legislative committee to which the bill was assigned. You must select either “in" or “out of." “In" means the committee has not yet voted the bill out to the chamber. “Out of" will give you the bills that committee has recommended for passage by the chamber. If you don't know much beyond the bill's subject matter, try a Bill Text search to search for text that might be included in the bill.

Wild and weird facts about RI's Independent Man statue atop the State House

If it has been signed into law or enacted without the governor's signature, that will be the final action listed for the bill. Due to the volume of bills passed in the final days of the legislative session, it is not unusual for there to be a lag between when a bill passes the chambers in concurrence and when it is transmitted to the governor for consideration. The General Assembly often forms special legislative commissions to study topics of concern. Those commissions meet publicly, and generally accept relevant public testimony at one or more meetings during that process, and in writing.

An architectural landmark in Providence’s College Hill Historic District, the Old State House has played a pivotal role in the political life of Rhode Island since the colonial period. It is one of just six surviving colonial-era state houses in America, three of which are in Rhode Island. The building’s historical development reflects Providence’s growing political prominence and the changing nature of Rhode Island’s state government.

But "we'd encourage the state not to take any action against the four people who are remaining, but in light of the judge's decision, they have the right to remove them." On Friday evening, the McKee administration opened a new temporary shelter at the Cranston Street Armory on Providence's West Side. Ruggerio pledged his commitment "to enacting sensible, meaningful reforms' of the law governing police discipline – and an unrelated proposal to double the coverage period for paid leave from the state's Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) from six to 12 weeks. The Speaker is elected by the majority party caucus followed by confirmation of the full House through the passage of a House Resolution.

In his opening-day speech Tuesday, House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi reminded his troops of what waits ahead as they begin a new election-year session with "most Americans ... still feeling the pinch of inflation." The Lavin family of Narragansett won the raffle and in 2000 donated the head to the University of Rhode Island, where it is now on display. The last time the Independent Man was brought down to earth for repairs, lasting about a year from 1975 to 1976, cracks were also discovered in the marble base. Instead, the board overseeing State House construction commissioned a sculpture symbolizing "freedom" or "sovereignty." But McKim wanted the figure standing with its legs kind of akimbo, so it would be visible from far away.

While General Assembly sessions continued to rotate among the five colony houses until 1854, and then alternated between Newport and Providence, by the latter part of the century the Old State House had become Rhode Island’s principal seat of legislative power. The city’s growing primacy, as well as important political developments, influenced the building’s appearance, with renovations and additions designed by some of Rhode Island’s most prominent architects. The Rhode Island State House is the seat of state government, and a magnificent example of American Renaissance architecture. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State and General Treasurer have their principal offices in the building, and it also holds the legislative chambers for Rhode Island’s General Assembly. Other building highlights include the State Reception Room, the State Library, and the Charter Museum, which houses Rhode Island’s 1663 Royal Charter alongside other historic documents and objects. The State House and Charter Museum are open to the public during regular business hours.

Visit the Representatives or Senators pages, which are linked at the top of the home page. On each page is a button that will bring you to a page with contact information for that chamber's members. Those pages also include links to each legislator's page, where you can access their biographical information and photos, as well as links to the legislation they are currently sponsoring and news releases they have issued. You can check Bill Status/History on our Bills & Laws page regularly, or you can use the bill tracker tool on our website. Set up a free account, enter the bill numbers of the legislation you wish to track, and you will receive an email each time there is an update on any bill you are tracking, including when they are posted for upcoming committee hearings or votes in committee or before a chamber.

It was during that disco-era makeover that the Independent Man's oxidized bronze was covered in gold leaf, allowing him to sparkle in the sun. In 1976, the statue was removed from its perch for restoration and repair.[7] Workers cast a full-size replica, which was installed at the Warwick Mall, as well as two replicas of the statue's head,[7] before returning the original to its home atop the State House. Sales plummeted 19% year over year in March in this category, which is often viewed as a way to own a home and help pay off one’s mortgage. Action – You can use this field to find all the bills that have been transmitted to the governor, signed by the governor, vetoed by the governor or allowed to become law without the governor's signature.

House 2022 midterm elections results Republicans win majority to control House, CBS News projects

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